Wednesday, August 21, 2013

FlexKom, Lets look at the Introduction Video, Merchant Example Scenario 1.

Ok so first and and foremost, here is the 8 min intro video that briefly overview's what FlexKom does and the opportunity. 

For ME, Its a great start and gives a generalised overview of the state of our economy, the issues that retailers/merchants are having to deal with on a daily basis, i.e; attack from e-commerse (Amazon etc), Large Corporation (Large Box Companies) i.e; Walmart, Tescos, Target, Home Depot, B&Q etc, low foot traffic areas and more are all factors that are coursing the demise of the main street/high street retailer.
This video goes onto explain briefly the technology and why it is a friend & Saviour to the retailer/merchant and why they need to have such system in place to stay Alive....

Example : You have a Restaurant and Today you have a local business booking for 20 people, At Lunch time on the day of the booking the company cancels and you have already brought the food stuff and produce for that very busy evening you had booked. Now at this point, Q: Can you advertise locally to bring in any customers to replace those 20 cancellations..? No, Paper Advertising takes time, email lists maybe too distant, passing traffic may (just maybe one or two) but generally you can Not drum up any business that quickly.
BUT if you had the FlexKom system in place, you could take a 7 sec video on your phone, upload it and send it out to the local area, every person locally with "Restaurants" ticked on their FlexKom app will get a message showing your deal for that evening, Lets just say "30% off meals this evening if booked within the next 2 HOURS, Call Now.!". So If that is received by 100, 1000, 10000 or 100,000 people there is a Huge chance you are going to fill some seats and take the pressure off of your business and put profits back in your pocket...That is JUST ONE ELEMENT OF THIS AMAZING SYSTEM.....................

I haven't even touched yet on the Residues the business can make, Promoting your business Nationally or even Globally..Yes a Mum & Pop business can get Global business on this system if they have unique niche products/services.....More on this at a later date.

NOTE: This Blog will jump around to various sections of the FlexKom system and opportunity and is not set up as a reading from start to finish but a AS IT COMES UP I will address it scenario. It will give you food for thought and maybe a different way to look at various parts of the system from someone else's perception and maybe help you or others explain/relay/describe the elements in the FlexKom system. 

NOTE2: Due to myself having built 2 teams in this business, 1 UK based and 1 US based, I will refer to both markets so the terminology will be either/or but mean the same for both markets....  :) 

For Now Au revoir 

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